C-12 Portable black carbon monitor
Met One Instruments
Part Number / Code
Monitored Parameter
Black carbon (BC)
Air quality
Using the principle of optical attenuation of 880 nm near-infrared light through filter media upon which particulate matter containing BC deposits in real-time, the C-12 has the capability of making more than 1,000 filter advances, meaning that this sensor can operate unattended for more than two months.
The C-12 is an industrial-grade device, providing the user with an array of diagnostic information in real-time that will allow them to monitor its performance continuously. Although it is inexpensive compared to other commercially available carbon monitors, one can expect its operating life to be more than ten years.
The C-12 Portable Carbon Monitor is self-contained, eliminating the need for an expensive, space- and power-consuming environmental shelter. Instead, the device sets up in a matter of minutes virtually anywhere. Because of its modest sampling rate (1 LPM), the C-12 can easily be operated off modestly-sized solar panels in most regions. It comes standard with an AC power adapter.
The standard configuration of the C-12 enables the user to measure and report the BC (880 nm illumination) concentration with sensitivity better than 70 ng/m3 at 1-minute time intervals.